Thursday, December 2, 2010

my favorite activity

my favorite activity would be biking cause i have all ways had to bike every were for half my life and i still do it today and i like getting the exercise from it

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I think that voting is vary important because if you didn't vote you wouldn't get the correct leadership and rights from the person you wanted to vote for, plus we also get to vote to have things passed

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Risks i would take why or why not ?/ 3 cups of tea

I wouldn't take many risks like that, because i wouldn't want to have to many changes in my family if we took big risks. But small risks or problems i wouldn't care about to much. One of the big risks my family took was when we hired a man t fix our bakery and he had scamed us and tried to take our bakery from us. Our family had the ''cookie jar, our bakery'' for more than 50 years, i think that is a good example of a big risk. 

Risks i would tac

Risks i would tac